Happenstance or Meant to be?

by Michele on June 10, 2012

Last week, I knelt in an old church on hard wooden kneelers and sat on a high backed seat to listen to a Philippine priest say Mass in English in Prague, The Czech Republic. It was Pentecost . . .one of my favorite Sundays all year. I think the readings speak to the inclusivity of Jesus’ message.

I didn’t know if I would make it to Mass that day – I hate to sit for an hour not understanding a word of  a  service and Czech is far from my mother tongue.  But I found a ... (read more)

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Keeping the Heat on for the Nuns

by Michele on May 15, 2012


Maybe you, like me, are outraged that the powers that be in the Roman Catholic Church are taking an anti-woman stance in the name of doctrinal aberrations.  And, maybe you want to do something about this to support the Sisters.

Well, in poking around the internet last week, in the face of the Vatican announcement that it will “rein in” the Leadership Council of Women Religious i.e.—the 57,000 Sisters in Orders who are represented by LCWR, I found the site called Nunjustice.org. You can click on this to find their suggestions for how we all can ... (read more)


It’s About Those Nuns!

by Michele on April 30, 2012

 Dorothy standing on grounds of new center

If I had never “met” Sister Dorothy Stang, and her Sisters  of Notre Dame de Namur,  I might never have felt the outrage at their recent treatment by the Vatican.  I cannot have a blog called Inspired by Dorothy and all that means to me and not post my thoughts.

I met Dorothy’s Sisters, nuns, in Brazil and in the U.S., in 2007. I  feel so much awe and admiration for the women  whom I count as friends —  that I must  share my complete support.

Nuns know about change and growth, something that I suspect the ... (read more)


You read it right!   The cutting edge magazine, Fast Company, which reports on business innovations  (and which I used to love when I was in business) has named the Chief of the Surui Paiter tribe to their 2012 list of Most Creative People in Business.

Why?  Because Chief Almir Narayamoga Surui has partnered with Google “to save his tribe from the brink of extinction and stop deforestation in Amazon rainforest.”  How innovative is that?

A stunning video in the Forbes/Fast company article I mentioned above, shows the Chief using today’s technology. Produced by Google personnel it ... (read more)