Word on Raifran’s Trial

by Michele on January 13, 2010

Some readers have asked me to clarify recent news about a new trial for one of Dorothy’s killers, Raifran. I recently received this email from one of the sisters working in Brazil.

We had a surprise today. Raifran opted NOT to have another trial.  He has the right to do this since he had the right to ask for a second jury in the first place, thus the right to rescind the request.

This means that the first verdict, the conviction of December, 2005 stands, ‘definitively and irrevocably” in the words of the judge.  He is guilty of having murdered Dorothy, was ordered to do it, and expected to be paid.  

So this leads us to the trials of the people responsible, the ones who ordered Raifran to shoot Dorothy:  Vitalmiro Bastos da Moura and Regivaldo Pereira Galvão.  Slowly the process grinds on.

Thank you all for your prayers, your solidarity and your encouragement.

With love, your sisters of Brasil.

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